


The world’s first television remote control. The wireless “Flash-Matic" was invented by Zenith engineer Eugene Polley in 1955.

Source: krmg.com



I bet when you got up this morning you didn’t think you were going to be confronted with gloved hands popping out of daisies, bearing princess phones. See, that’s where you were wrong.


Record players matching the three types of records available in 1949




Television: From Gadget To Greatness

From the January 12-18, 1957 issue of TV Guide.
The article is about the 10th anniversary of television.



Jenny Holzer - Lustmord (1993-4)



Terence Koh - Nothingtoodoo (2011)

"With Nothingtoodoo, his first solo show at the Mary Boone Gallery, Mr. Koh gives his ascetic side full reign, to disconcerting effect. He is performing a kind of abject penance that is hard to dismiss, even if you may initially want to; it is too quiet, unsettling and self-effacing. It involves a fair amount of physical discomfort, if not downright suffering, and in its own way it too is hard to look at.

The show consists of Mr. Koh, dressed in white pajamalike clothes, slowly circling a beautiful cone-shaped pile of rocky solar salt — 8 feet high and 24 feet across — on his knees. Not his hands and knees, his knees. Staring straight ahead, his upper body motionless, he circumnavigates the salt almost nonstop during the gallery’s public hours — eight hours a day, five days a week — for four weeks. Occasionally he lies prostrate on the floor.

The unusually austere gallery and Mr. Koh’s self-contained concentration definitely create their own atmosphere."


Charles Eames, Emerson Radio, 1946. Playwood enclosed.



My CraigsList find: A 1940 Zenith 8-S-463 (chassis 5808) with broadcast, shortwave, aviation, marine bands.  The electronics chassis looks tired, and was home to mice for decades, judging from the nest material I had to clean out.  But the tuner and dial look undamaged, and the 10" speaker seems to be intact. With luck I might be able to get the thing working again, at least for part of the EM spectrum.

But the real plan is to rapair the delaminating veneer, clean it up, get the dial lamps to light, and then pipe in recorded “old time radio" shows because they ought to sound nice coming out of this heavy wooden cabinet.  Lots of entertainment for $50.




Improving a 1936 tube radio.

The exterior was in very poor shape, so we stripped and sanded off the finish—when it is done, it will be re-stained and finished with a high-quality photograph of the tubes as the faceplate.

The innards were rusted beyond repair, so we added a solid state amplifier, a new speaker, Bluetooth receiver, iPhone charger, Android charger, and oh yes, FM radio tuner. 



Michel Le Belhomme - The Blind Beast (2012-13)



The Rothko Chapel (1964-71)

"The Rothko Chapel is a non-denominational chapel in Houston, Texas. The interior serves not only as a chapel, but also as a major work of modern art.

On its walls are fourteen black but color-hued paintings by Mark Rothko. 

‘The Rothko Chapel…became the world’s first broadly ecumenical center, a holy place open to all religions and belonging to none. It became a center for international cultural, religious, and philosophical exchanges, for colloquia and performances. And it became a place of private prayer for individuals of all faiths.’

In 1964 Rothko was commissioned to create a meditative space filled with his paintings. The works are site-specific, one of the requirements of the program.

As Rothko was given creative license on the design of the structure, he clashed with the project’s original architect over the plans for the chapel. The plans went through several revisions and architects.

Ultimately he did not live to see the chapel’s completion in 1971.

After a long struggle with depression, Rothko committed suicide in his New York studio on February 25, 1970."



David Moreno



Tauba Auerbach - 50/50 Floor (2008)

Additional installation shots by Rocor





“Film as Sculpture” at Wiels



“Time Square consists of 12 cylindrical aluminium lighting components; 4 placed in the middle forming a cross, and 8 attached together with metal joints placed perimetrically forming a square frame of 1,4 x 1,4 meters. Led lighting (12W) is integrated in each cylinder while a dimmer system ensures wide brightness variation. The illuminated cylinders display ‘digitally’ the 12 hours twice per day while the lower left horizontal cylinder displays the minutes; 11 circular led spots light-up based upon a 5-minute frequency and fade-away progressively. Performing as a wall light, the Time Square can also release three parallel vertical LED light blades, adjustable to any specific desire. All available commands, -turn on/off, dimming and time setting-, are solely issued by Time Square’s remote control.”



Ezra Stoller,
Philip Morris Research Center Tower, Ulrich Franzen, Richmond, VA, 1972 
Gelatin silver print

Greeting to Tarantino




Pam Farrell - Moonprints (2010) - Oil on mulberry paper


In the early 1900s, artist Luigi Russolo created this “noise machine" for his futurist symphonies.



Joseph Kosuth - The Wake



Peter Pumpler



 Passport Photos of Iconic Figures in History -  by Izismile

Ernest Hemmingway

Ella Fitzgerald

Virginia Woolf

Johnny Cash

Katherine Hepburn

F. Scott Fitzgerald



Odires Mlaszho

200 Organized Fluorescent Lights Produce Futuristic Space
Katie Hosmer, mymodernmet.com

In 2012, cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tion Lilienthal-Zamora—consisting of visu­al artists Etta Lilien­thal and Ben Zamo­ra—pro­duced this futur­is­tic instal­la­tion enti­tled Through Hol­low Lands. The large-scale piece con­sist­ed of 200…



The original Enterprise model, 1966



Shilpa Gupta - 24:00:01, 2012



Wolfgang Stiller - Matchstick Men


Perfect Detail

A woman in a 1960s modern workspace. - Via



Tilda Swinton - The Maybe (2013)

“A gentle refusal of explanation and the element of surprise is integral to the piece. There is no schedule for the random appearances, no artist’s or museum statement besides the simple label on the wall nearby. 

It is an open question, a proposal, a treasure hunt. The title is perhaps the main clue. Yet if we are to be investigators in this mystery and look hard enough we may find some other leads.

The iconic image of Swinton in the glass case has come to represent a signature moment in the exploration of the links between the ‘live’ (performance art) and the ‘death’ of the gallery space (its tendency to freeze in time and space that which is displayed there).

Later, an email from Swinton…provides some further insight. ‘I asked myself to propose a gesture, a hybrid between that essence which I value most in live performance – namely, that kinetic experience of human beings all (wholly – as in, every part of them) present together in the same space at the same time and in the thrall of time and the unexpected – with that essence which I value most in cinematic performance – namely, the possibility of the scrutiny by the viewer of the unwatched who cannot watch back.[…]’

Swinton cites further inspirations. Among them are powerful childhood memories of pretending to be asleep, the archetypal image of the sleeping woman in myths and fairy tales, a sensitivity to the predicament of countless homeless people who seem to be treated by society as if, sleeping rough, they were sealed away – invisible – behind glass and the dominance of the dead in glass boxes displayed for the glory of religion and art – exemplified by both Christian and Communist reliquaries but also Damien Hirst’s pickled carcasses.

Swinton presents a present, living human being alongside these images of passivity, but as both subject and object – and author/artist. The most commonly asked question by spectators of The Maybe – now, as eighteen years ago – is ‘Is it real?’”

МедіаДепо на фестивалі "Візії" у Києві

1-2 червня 2013 року МедіаДепо взяв участь у "Візії" - міжнародному фестивалі візуальної культури, що проходив у Києві. Нам приємно було прочитати лекцію про медіаландшафт міста, познайомитися із Маріною Фоменко із фестивалю "Сейчас и потом" (Москва http://marinafomenko.com), чілійсько-американською художницею Андреєю Вольф (http://memoryframes.org/andreawolf), яка живе у Нью Йорку та британським перформером Че Кевліном та російським актором Валєнтіном Цзин. Дякуємо організаторам за якісний і цікавий проект, за запрошення. Особлива подяка куратору Катерині Вашталовій.  

ось інформація про фестиваль: 


сподіваємось до нової зустрічі!!!





Modern  - TV & Record Player combo, 1966.

Set against a background of asbestos floor tiles…

Американка робить портрети людей за частками ДНК на сміттi



Folded Money Portraits by Philippe Petremant



Christopher Wool - Illuminations (2011)


Don’t you hate when this happens?



Faggot, 2013
Craig Schlewitz


Nicholas Ballesteros

Russian Artists Rep The New Media Scene At The Venice Biennale | The Creators Project



Antoine D’Agata - Ice (published 2012)

“…Pictures and texts in a disturbing testimony, showing the commitment of a photographer documenting drug-generated fictions…until he loses control.

In December 2007, Antoine D’Agata arrived in Phnom Penh and fell in love with Ka, a Vietnamese prostitute and drug dealer. In January 2008, they began to share a small and dirty flat downtown. Here started the oblivion.

Addiction to methamphetamines took over the photographic work and the frontiers between fiction and reality started to melt. This is where Ice came from. The horror that permeates the pages is not so much the ‘journey to the end of the night’ of a photographer as it is the violent filth and hypocrisy of a system that grinds the flesh of those who were refused speech.” 



Anders Bulow - Luminous (2011)



Alan Friedman

An amateur astronomer’s photographs of the sun from his backyard observatory in Buffalo, NY:

“Using a small telescope and narrow band filters I can capture details in high-resolution and record movements in the solar atmosphere that change over hours and sometimes minutes. The raw material for my work is black and white and often blurry. As I prepare the pictures, color is applied and tonality is adjusted to better render the features.
To record my images, I use a filter that passes only a narrow slice of the deep red end of the visible spectrum. Called a Hydrogen Alpha filter, it is attached to the front end of a small (3.75″ aperture) telescope. Think of it as a 450mm f5 telephoto lens. The camera used is an industrial webcam. It can stream images at a speed of 15 to 120 frames a second.
Our atmosphere is a formidable obstacle to capturing sharp photos of a distant object. Streaming many frames in a short period of time allows me to temper the blurring effects of air turbulence. Each photo is made from many thousands of frames. Most frames are unusable, distorted by the heat currents rising from rooftops and asphalt driveways. But a few will be sharp. I review the video frame by frame for these moments of ‘good seeing’. The high quality frames are selected and then averaged to form the raw material for my photographs.”



Artist Lucas Simões



Takahiro Iwasaki - Reflection Model: Perfect Bliss (2010-12) - Japanese cypress and wire

Scale replica of the Byodo-In, a 10th-century temple near Kyoto



Candida Hofer - Libraries (published 2005)