
Візії: міжнародний фестиваль візуальної культури Візії: міжнародний фестиваль візуальної культури 2 червня 2013 МедіаДепо взяло участь у фестивалі «Візії». Це фестиваль, який об’єднує нові технології та мистецтво, та створює платформу для діалогу між глядачем та митцем шляхом сучасних форм візуальної «мови».
A Selection of the New Media Collection, Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris A Selection of the New Media Collection, Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris An exhibition at the ZKM | Media Museum / виставка в ZKM (Німеччина)
Open Call: PIONEERING VALUES Open Call: PIONEERING VALUES Application deadline: 15 December 2012
SEE // Photography in the Age of Tumblr SEE // Photography in the Age of Tumblr A new show curated Barber and The Hole Gallery’s Kathy Grayson looks at artists using digital photography in ways that overlap with cinema, publishing, sculpture, and painting.
New Technological Art Award 2012 - Liedts-Meesen Foundation New Technological Art Award 2012 - Liedts-Meesen Foundation
An exhibition about the symbiosis between arts and technologies with 20 artworks from 13 countries. An international art contest by the Liedts-Meesen Foundation. Zebrastraat (Ghent), iMAL and La Cambre (Brussels)

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January 24th 1984: First Mac goes on sale

On this day in 1984, the first Apple Macintosh PC went on sale. It was introduced by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, and was the first commercially successful PC with a mouse and interactive, graphical interface. The first Macintosh had a 128KB memory. The computer went on sale for $2,495 and sold well, reaching 70,000 on May 3rd 1984. It was first introduced by the famous ‘1984’ advert directed by Ridley Scott, which aired on January 22nd. Apple’s influence and sales decreased in the 1990s, as the PC market became dominated by Microsoft. However, Apple saw a resurgence with the 1998 iMac and the 2001 iPod. Apple now dominate the digital music business, with their wide range of iPods and the iPhone, and the iMac model continues.

сьогодні у 1984 році почалась ера маків та казино України..

HELP END HUNGER: Join us in crowdfunding 25,000 meals for disadvantaged children of #Cambodia

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